How have you found your way to this web site, I wonder? What is driving you… and what might you be searching for…?
When describing the topic of integral project management, I probably saw my self speaking to fellow project managers or others with prior knowledge about project management. You might be a project manager like me. Maybe you are a member of a steering committee or are in some other way framing and supporting projects. Maybe you are a programme manager, who coordinates multiple related projects, which all contribute to the same general purpose. Apart from project experience you might also have some formal education, such as project management, programme management or portfolio management? Maybe you are certified in PRINCE2, IPMA, PMP, MSP or similar.
If you do not fit any of those bills but are rather a happy entrepreneur wanting to change the world, hoping to find inspiration in here, you are of course also very welcome! I just wanted to warn you in advance that I probably assumed you knew something about project management already. So I might use terms I assume you already know, such as stakeholder analysis, risk assessment, business case, etc.
If not, I have suggested some sources here: Learn more – and you are also welcome to contact me, of course.